Read a story. Share a story.

The healing is in the sharing. Both personally and politically.
Dare to bear witness. Dare to be heard.

The PVP Library

  • "The job was botched. She bled to death in three, maybe four days. She was thirty-three years old. "

  • "I would say it was almost a spiritual experience because I was honoring myself. This is the kind of abortion experience I want for other women."

  • "I hemorrhaged and almost died in the emergency room I ultimately landed in - but they refused to do a D&C."

  • "I would not be the woman, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and citizen I am today had my rights been stripped of me years ago."

  • "I don't know if he ever told anyone, but I never did, except one boyfriend ten years later, who used it against me when we broke up a few months after we began. I never did that again. Not even my husband knows."

  • "No one should have to have, or express, a 'good enough' reason to get an abortion."

  • “She died after the procedure and her death certificate says that she died from ‘septicemia following after an abortion.’”

  • "If my fallopian tube had been allowed to rupture, how much harder would my path to pregnancy be?"

  • "There would be no escape with a baby."

  • "I want to tell people because I am not the stereotype of a person who gets an abortion. And that's just it: There is no stereotype. We all get abortions."

  • "When I learned I had become pregnant by someone who had an eye on my young girls, I did not hesitate to take advantage of legal abortion in 1973."

  • "Pain is there and something else. Shame enters. It enters in the words of the nurse scolding me for having sex before marriage. Shame enters again as I had the doctor cash."

  • "It was a lunch counter at a five and dime store in Tijuana. I was instructed to be there at a specific date and time and to wear a specific piece of clothing."

  • "I tried to commit suicide to stop the pain and shame of having been molested and the consequences of it."

  • "The radiation and chemo were almost certain to cause grave harm to the fetus."

  • “One of my readers wrote about a friend's agony as she searched for a lead to a back-alley abortion.”

  • "With no savings account, we were financially unprepared to bring a child into our lives."

  • "He didn't offer to help pay for the abortion, question my decision, or offer any kind of emotional support. I learned later that he married within the year."

  • "I never thought I'd be 40 when I had my first abortion, already a mother and happily married."

  • "I screamed, I fought, I pleaded with him not to do it, but he did...he raped me and then left as quickly and silently as he had come."

  • "Somehow I was pregnant, and I had exposed the one-week old embryo to a medication known to cause significant malformations of the heart and other essential organs."

  • "It wasn't scary or traumatic or upsetting. In fact, I remember it as one of the most positive days of my life."

  • "The next day I was very tired but also elated and enormously relieved.  I was free. FREE!"

  • "When I think of it, all I feel is gratitude."

  • "I can’t imagine what could have happened if he found out I was pregnant. But I’m so glad I’ll never know."

  • "All night I had slept curled around the plastic container that contained my blood, her blood, the blood that grew from an egg that formed in my body when I was still in my mother’s body."

  • "We both had come from warm loving families and knew that we were not yet ready to do the same together."

  • "I wasn’t pregnant, nor asking for an abortion, yet because of the very restrictive laws in Idaho, I have no gynecologist."

  • "The reason is between me and my healthcare provider. Hard stop."

  • "The clinic sent me home with a packet of birth control pills and a prescription for more. My mom insisted on filling the prescription at a pharmacy in the next town over from ours because our local pharmacist would know that I was sexually active, and we couldn’t have that."

  • "For my lover and me, we each had an equal part in creating the pregnancy, but the impact was entirely on her."

  • "I needed intervention, and trusted my OBGYN when she helped me in this very vulnerable and grief-stricken time in my life."

  • "This was my penance, my prison sentence for taking the first life that I created."

  • "The doctors leaving the area is about so much more than just abortions, or anything related to them. Women's healthcare can save lives."

  • "Abortions happen on specific days at Planned Parenthood and the protesters know which days those are. Both times I entered the building they all stood outside holding up signs and yelling at me."

  • “When I did start telling people, they were open and honest about their own experiences. I realized how common it is. Not just abortions and miscarriages, but all sorts of reproductive challenges.”

  • “I had the opinion that if someone got pregnant, it was their responsibility. And I even debated in a classroom setting that abortion was wrong.”

  • "When I called to make the appointment they told me there might be protesters outside. I'm really thankful there was nobody outside."

  • “‘Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?’ he tells me, clearly saying that nice girls don't get into this kind of trouble.”

  • "I was on birth control pills and got pregnant anyway. Neither of us wanted or were capable of taking care of a child."